
I have found it frustrating to visit online API sites to discover documentation that consists of something like the following:

    my_method(*args, **kwargs)

This is especially annoying when there is no mention of what args or kwargs can be. We can’t solve that problem, but we can at least understand what *args, **kwargs means and how to use them. In short:

  • *args means that the method can take any number of positional arguments.

  • **kwargs means that the method can take any number of named arguments.

Let’s define a couple of terms.

Important Terms



Positional Argument

Required method arguments that must appear in a specific order

Named Argument

Optional method arguments that are given a default value in the prototype (method declaration). They will appear as name=value. They can appear in any order after all the positional arguments are provided.

Start with Print#

Let’s first explore the method print to see how it works. Note that you can get help on print by using the following inside of Jupyter: help(print). Here is the help printed:

Help on built-in function print in module builtins:

    print(value, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)
    Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default.
    Optional keyword arguments:
    file:  a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout.
    sep:   string inserted between values, default a space.
    end:   string appended after the last value, default a newline.
    flush: whether to forcibly flush the stream.

The ... above should be replaced with *args. It should look like:

print(*args, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)

In short, print accepts as many position arguments as you want and it has four named arguments. You will likely want to set end='' at times to behave like Java’s System.out.print (no new line printed). And, if you want to print a list of values separated with commas, you could easily override sep=', '.

Packing & Unpacking Arguments#

When someone calls a method using *args in the arguments (e.g. foo(*args)) it unpacks the Tuple and calls the method with each element in the Tuple as an argument (e.g. foo(1,2,3)).

The same things happens when a method is called with **kwargs syntax, except that the names are also unpacked. In this case, kwargs is a dictionary.

Here is some code to illustrate:

args = (1, 2, 3)
foo(*args)    # Same as below
foo(1, 2, 3)  # Same as above

kwargs = { 'a':1, 'b':'yes!', 'c':3 }
bar(**kwargs)             # same as below
bar(a=1, b='yes!', c=3)   # same as above

What this means is that you can technically define every method as follows:

def foo(*args, **kwargs):
    # args behaves like a tuple. Just dereference elements.
    # kwargs behaves like a dictionary.
    # note: perhaps len(args) == 0. Your code should check!
    if len(args) > 0:
    if 'name' in kwargs:
    # repack and pass along all named arguments to foo()


Let’s say that we want to have a method with 7 arguments where 3 of them have default values. We’d define this method as shown below. Note that the three named arguments have default values.

# Example prototype with 4 positional arguments and 3 named arguments
def example_a(value1, value2, value3, value4, named1=1, named2=2, named3=3):
    value1, value2, value3 & value4 must be present when calling method()
    named1, named2 & named3 are optional because they have default values.
    print(value1, value2, value3, value4, named1, named2, named3)

We can call example_a in the following ways:

# we can call example_a in the following ways
example_a(3, 1, 4, 1)                                  # output: 3 1 4 1 1 2 3
example_a('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', named2='foo')            # output: a b c d 1 foo 3
example_a(0, 0, 'a', 'b', named3='bar', named1='foo')  # output: 0 0 a b foo 2 bar

In every call, values for every positional argument is required.

In the first call, all the named arguments retain their default values: 1, 2, 3.
In the second call, we override the value for named2 only.
In the third call, we override named1 and named2 only.

Let’s get a little more complicated. In the following code, we are creating a method that allows for an arbitrary number of position arguments, zero or 50! The method has exactly two named arguments.

# example prototype with 1 required positional argument, any number of
# optional positional arguments, and two optional named arguments
def example_b(value1, *args, named1=1, named2=2):
    value1 is a required, positional argument
    args is basically a Tuple that represents any number of un-named argments that appear
        before all named arguments
    named1 & named2 are optional named arguments that are given default values
    # when we put the '*' in front of args, we unpack the positional arguments
    print(value1 + 10, *args, named1, named2)

The only line of code calls print with 3 or more arguments. The first argument to print is value1 + 10. It then will pass in zero or more arguments that were passed into example_b.

Let’s examine a few examples:

# we can call example_b in the following ways:
example_b(5, 10, 15, 20)        # output: 15 10 15 20 1 2
example_b(0, named2='override') # output: 10 1 override

In the first call, we pass in 4 positional arguments. value1 will have the value 5. Then, *args will accept the next 3 arguments. args is actually a Tuple. In order to pass all these values into print as separate arguments, we have to unpack the tuple by using the *.

In the second call, we pass in only 1 positional argument and then override only one named argument.

One more example:

def example_c(value1, *args, named1=1, named2=2, **kwargs):
    value1 is a required, positional argument
    args is basically a Tuple that represents any number of un-named argments that appear
        before all named arguments
    named1 & named2 are optional, named arguments that are given default values
    kwargs is basically a dictionary that represents any number of named argument
        that appear after all the positional arguments
    # unpack args to all positional arguments
    # unpack **kwargs to be all named arguments
    print(value1 + 20, named1, named2, *args, **kwargs)
example_c(0, named1=10)                 # output: 20 10 2
example_c(2, 'foo', named2=0, sep='-')  # output: 22-1-0-foo
named_args = { 'named1':2, 'named2':1, 'sep':':', 'end':'end_of_line' }
example_c(4, 3, **named_args)           # output: 24:2:1:3end_of_line

First call
In the first call, value1=0 and named1=10.

Second call
In the second call, value1=2 and 'foo' is put into the *args argument. named1 retains its default value of 1 and named2 is overridden to have the value 0. The named argument sep is not found in the example_c prototype–not as a named argument–so it gets put into the **kwargs argument and is subsequently unpacked and passed along to print. The API print has a named argument 'sep' which is printed between each argument. This is why each value is separated by '-'. In summary, the code effectly calls print like this:

    # print(value1+20, named1, named2, *args, **kwargs)
    print(       2+20,      1,      0, 'foo', sep='-')

Third call
In the third call things get even more complicated. here we create a dictionary that is a map of named arguments with values. It contains four named arguments, two of which are explicitly named in the example_c prototype, and other two are defined in the print prototype. So, the call results in:

value1 = 4
*args = (3, )
named1 = 2
named2 = 1
**kwargs = { 'sep':':', 'end':'end_of_line' }

# with the above values, the actual print statement is equivalent to:
print(4+20, 2, 1, 3, sep=':', end='end_of_line')